How To Check Tax Filer Status?

Are you a tax filer? If yes, then you are at the right place. You must keep a check of the tax you have Returned for the previous year. That is actually the Active Taxpayer List (ATL), a central record of online Income Tax returns. The Federal Board Of Revenue (FBR) has provided guidelines about the process. Here in this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide about how to check tax filer status through different processes and how will you confirm your active taxpayer status through ATL.

What Is ALT? When It Is Published?

ATL (Active taxpayer list) is actually the record of the online income tax returns for the year passed. After the payment of tax, the name of the taxpayer is added to the list. If a person has not filed income tax, there are restrictions to adding the person’s name to the list.

It is published in March (every financial year) and is valid up to February (of the next financial year).

How To Check Active Taxpayer Status?

Today it is really convenient to check active taxpayer status. There are three ways a taxpayer can opt to check his tax filer status.

    • Verify tax filer status through FBR online portal
    • Check tax filer status by SMS
  • Check active tax filer status by downloading ALT
  • How To Verify Tax Filer Status Through Fbr Online Portal?

    If you want to check your tax filer status through FBR online portal, you will simply check your ALT status on the FBR website.


    1. Open the official website of FBR

    2. Search Taxpayer

    3. Active Taxpayer

    4. New Window

    5. Active Taxpayer List

    6. New Window

    7. Give parameter type

    8. Enter registration number

    9. Choose the date for checking

    10. Solve captcha

    10. Verify

  • How To Check Tax Filer Status By Sms?

    Tax filer status can be checked by SMS as well by simply sending some information on 9966. The information sent varies to some extent for individuals and companies:

  • Procedure To Check Individual’s Active Taxpayer status by SMS

    Following is the Procedure To Check Individual’s Active Taxpayer status by SMS

    Step 1: Type ALT-space-CNIC

    For example; ALT 83206-4186888-7

    Step 2: Send it to 9966 (as SMS)

  • Procedure To Check Active Taxpayer Status Of Company By Sms

    Following is the Procedure To Check Active Taxpayer status of company by SMS

    Step 1: Type ALT-space-National Tax Number

    For example; ALT 2207558-6

    Step 2: Send it to 9966 (as SMS)

  • Procedure To Check Active Taxpayer Status Of AJK By Sms

    • For Individuals

      Step 1: Type AJKALT-space-CNIC

      For example; AJKALT 8320641868887

      Step 2: Send it to 9966 (as SMS)

    • For Companies

      Step 1: Type AJKALT-space-National Tax Number

      For example; ALT 22075585676

      Step 2: Send it to 9966 (as SMS)

SrCheck tax filer status ofTypeSend To
2CompanyALT-space-NTN(7 digits)9966
  • For Individuals;
    AJKALT-space-CNIC(without dashes)
  • For Companies;
    AJKALT-space-NTN(11 digits)

How To Check Active Tax Filer Status By Downloading ALT

You can download your Tax filer status in six simple steps.


1. Open the official website of FBR

2. Search Taxpayer

3. Active Taxpayer

4. New Window

5. Active Taxpayer List Income Tax & AJK – Download File

6. Downloading (In excel)

These are the simple ways you can opt to check your tax filer status without any inconvenience. Go for the best possible way and keep a record of your tax filer status whether you have paid a property tax, income gain tax, or withholding tax.